Transcripts & Verifications

Transcripts & Verifications

The University of Valley Forge (UVF) processes transcripts and enrollment verifications through the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC). Official third-party requests for such information is also granted through the NSC by following the link provided on this screen.

Transcript Requests

Order an Official Transcript

UVF has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide transcript ordering via the Internet.

Official transcripts are not processed if the student has an outstanding student account balance or has a defaulted federal loan.

Students who choose to order the electronic PDF transcript should note that the document will be sent through a secure, password protected link that can only be opened 3 times. It should be sent to the email address of the recipient who you intend to receive an official transcript. Once the link is opened, the transcript is no longer “official.” In addition, the contents of the transcript cannot be copied and pasted.

NOTE: The University of Valley Forge does NOT process unofficial transcripts. All orders will be fulfilled with official documents.


Enrollment Verification

If you are a current UVF student and need verification of enrollment for the purpose of loan deferment or insurance, please send or fax your form to:

National Student Clearinghouse
Attn: Enrollment Verification
2300 Dulles Station Blvd., Suite 300
Herndon, VA 20171

Students call: tel:1.800.848.0979
Businesses and organizations, Fax requests to: 1.800.848.0984 or go to:

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