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Broaden Your Skills with Different Minors
Some departments at the University of Valley Forge have designed minors to provide students with a limited exposure to a different area of study. Completion of a minor should give students a foundation in that discipline and equip one for further work in the area, if desired. Minors may be taken within some four-year programs or added to them.
Minors Available
AI Applications
AI Applications (19 Credits)
- CMS 107 Fundamentals of AI and Machine Learning 3 cr
- CMS 217 AI LLMs and Agents 3 cr
- CMS 317 Data Storytelling and Visualization with AI 3 cr
- CMS 337 AI and Digital Strategy 3 cr
- CMS 407 AI Seminar 3 cr
- DIG 101 Introduction to Ethical Generative AI 1 cr
- DIG 203 Generative AI Applications 3 cr
Business (18 Credits)
- BUS 200 Explorations in Business 3 cr
- BUS 213 Accounting I 3 cr
- BUS 233 Business Ethics 3 cr
- BUS 253 Macroeconomics 3 cr
- BUS 313 Business Management 3 cr
- Choose one: 3 cr
- Any other BUS course
- CMS 283 Computer Applications for Business
- COM 323 Business Communication
- MTH 203 Introduction to Statistics
Children's Studies
Children’s Studies (18 Credits)
- CMS 233 Educational Technology 3 cr
- CRE 153 Introduction to Children’s Ministry 3 cr
- CRE 393 Children’s Presentations 3 cr
- CRE/PST Elective 3 cr
- PST 363 Pastoring Children and Families 3 cr
- PSY 414 Marriage and Family Therapy 3 cr
Church Music
- CHM 441 Worship Leading Seminar I .5 cr
- CHM/MUS 700s Ensembles 4 cr
- MUS 141 Aural Skills I 1 cr
- MUS 143 Music Theory I 3 cr
- MUS 151 Aural Skills II 1 cr
- MUS 153 Music Theory II 3 cr
- MUS 342 Basic Conducting 2 cr
- Electives: 4 credits in one of the following:
- MUS 631
- MUS 651
- MUS 661 Applied Lessons 4 cr
Music minors must meet the piano proficiency requirements. Until proficiency is met, minors must enroll in MUS 631 (Applied Piano). See Music Department Handbook for further details.
Criminal Justice
Criminal Justice (18 Credits)
- JUS 101 Introduction to Criminal Justice 3 cr
- JUS 135 Juvenile Delinquency and Justice 3 cr
- JUS 143 Criminology 3 cr
- JUS 243 Criminal Investigation 3 cr
- JUS 325 Criminalistics and Forensic Science 3 cr
- Choose one: 3 cr
- JUS 331 Victimology
- JUS 343 Restorative Justice
Deaf Culture Studies
Deaf Culture Studies (18 Credits)
- LNG 213 American Sign Language I 3 cr
- LNG 223 American Sign Language II 3 cr
- LNG 303 American Sign Language III 3 cr
- LNG 313 American Sign Language IV 3 cr
- Choose two: 6 cr
- HIS 245 History and Culture of the American Deaf Community
- LIT 265 Genres of Deaf Literature
- LNG 395 ASL Linguistics
- SOC 419 Sociological Aspects of Deaf Education
Digital Media
Digital Media (19 Credits)
- COM 143 Communication Theory 3 cr
- DIG 263 Digital Design 3 cr
- DIG 303 Fundamentals of Video 3 cr
- DIG 321 Podcasting 1 cr
- MTN 263 Digital Audio 3 cr
- Choose two: 6 cr
- MTN 423 Multi-Track Recording
- DIG 243 Introduction to Photography
- DIG 272 Introduction to Web Design
- DIG 273 Web Design and Implementation
Education - Early Childhood
Education – Early Childhood (18 Credits)
- CMS 233 Educational Technology 3 cr
- ECE 103 Child Development 3 cr
- ECE 123 Foundations, Principles, and Practices of Early Childhood Education 3 cr
- ECE 204 Methods and Materials 3 cr
- EDU 443 Classroom Management 3 cr
- SPE 223 Introduction to Exceptionalities 3 cr
Education - Middle Level English and Reading
Education – Middle Level English/Language Arts and Reading (21 Credits)
(Available to SEC students only)
- EDU 353 Teaching Social Studies 3 cr
- EDU 363 Teaching Science 3 cr
- EDU 373 Lang/Literacy Development 3 cr
- EDU 433 Teaching Math 3 cr
- MTH 123 Quantitative Reasoning
- (or any non-remedial math not taken in SEC program to equal three math classes)
- POL 203 American Republic
- Choose whichever not taken in SEC program:
- SCI 113 Introduction to Physical Science 3 cr
- SCI 143 Ecology and Environmental Science 3 cr
Education - Secondary English
Education – Secondary English (21 Credits)
(Available to MLE students only)
- ENG 173 Introduction to Linguistics 3 cr
- ENG 223 Creative Writing 3 cr
- ENG 243 English Literature
- SEC 373 Secondary English Methods 3 cr
- LIT 433 Shakespeare and His Contemporaries 3 cr
- Choose whichever not taken in MLE program:
- LIT 253 American Literature I 3 cr
- LIT 254 American Literature II 3 cr
- Choose one:
- LIT 363 World Literature I 3 cr
- LIT 364 World Literature II 3 cr
English Language and Literature
English Language and Literature (18 Credits)
- LIT 243 English Literature 3 cr
- Choose one: 3 cr
- LIT 253 American Literature I
- LIT 254 American Literature II
- Choose one: 3 cr
- LIT 363 World Literature I
- LIT 364 World Literature II
- LIT Electives 9 cr
Family Studies
Family Studies (18 Credits)
- CRE 153 Introduction to Children’s Ministry 3 cr
- PSY 321 Perspectives on Parenting 3 cr
- PSY 353 Community Psychology 3 cr
- PSY 414 Marriage and Family Therapy 3 cr
- SOC 223 Youth Culture 3 cr
- SWK 123 Introduction to Social Work 3 cr
Graphic Design
Graphic Design (18 Credits)
- DIG 263 Digital Design I 3 cr
- DIG 265 Digital Design II 3 cr
- DIG 272 Intro. to Web 3 cr
- DIG 264 Typography and Layout 3 cr
- Choose Two: 6 cr
- DIG 363 Motion Graphics 3 cr
- DIG 243 Intro to Photography 3 cr
- DIG 266 Vector Art 3 cr
- DIG 365 Digital Publishing 3 cr
Intercultural Communications
Intercultural Communication (18 Credits)
- COM 143 Communication Theory 3 cr
- COM 293 Intercultural Communication 3 cr
- COM 436 Small Group Communication 3 cr
- COM 303 Interpersonal Communication 3 cr
- ICS 123 Introduction to Missions 3 cr
- Choose One: 3 cr
- SOC 363 Holistic Relief and Development
- PST 443 Disciple Making and Equip. Ministry
Intercultural Studies
Intercultural Studies (18 Credits)
- COM 293 Intercultural Communications 3 cr
- ICS 123 Introduction to Missions 3 cr
- ICS 142 Cultural Anthropology 3 cr
- REL 223 Introduction to World Religions 3 cr
- THE 214 Biblical Theology of Missions 3 cr
- Choose One: 3 cr
- SOC 363 Holistic Relief and Development
- PST 443 Disciple Making and Equip. Ministry
Marketing (18 Credits)
- BUS 200 Explorations in Business 3 cr
- BUS 343 Marketing and Public Relations 3 cr
- BUS 423 Advanced Business Research & Communication 3 cr
- COM 403 Social Media Management 3 cr
- ENG 333 Writing for the Media 3 cr
- BUS 313 Business Management 3 cr
Music Performance
Music Performance (19 Credits)
- MTN 111 Basic Audio Reinforcement 1 cr
- MUS 141 Aural Skills I 1 cr
- MUS 143 Music Theory I 3 cr
- MUS 151 Aural Skills II 1 cr
- MUS 153 Music Theory II 3 cr
- MUS 600s Applied Lessons 6 cr
- MUS 700s Ensembles 4 cr
Music minors must meet the piano proficiency requirements. Until proficiency is met, minors must enroll in MUS 631 (Applied Piano). See Music Department handbook for further details.
Music Technology
Music Technology (19 Credits)
- MTN 111 Basic Audio Reinforcement 3 cr
- MTN 233 Principles of Audio Technology 3 cr
- MTN 253 Modern Music Production Techniques 3 cr
- MTN 263 Digital Audio 3 cr
- MTN 313 Sound Reinforcement Systems 3 cr
- MTN 423 Multi-Track Recording 3 cr
- MTN 463 Mixing/Post-Production 3 cr
Pastoral Counseling
Pastoral Counseling (18 Credits)
- PSY 283 Lifespan Human Development 3 cr
- PSY 313 Theories of Personality 3 cr
- PSY 333 Pastoral Counseling 3 cr
- PSY 463 Theories and Techniques of Counseling 3 cr
- PSY 473 Crisis Counseling 3 cr
- PSY 483 Grief, Death, and Dying 3 cr
Psychology (18 Credits)
- PSY 283 Lifespan Human Development 3 cr
- PSY 343 Legal and Ethical Issues in Counseling 3 cr
- PSY 353 Community Psychology 3 cr
- PSY 383 Educational Psychology 3 cr
- Choose One: 3 cr
- PSY 303 Biological Psychology 3 cr
- PSY 363 Abnormal Psychology 3 cr
- Choose One: 3 cr
- PSY 403 Experimental Psychology 3 cr
- PSY 490 Human Sexuality 3 cr
Social Work
Social Work (18 Credits)
- Choose one: 3 cr
- PSY 283 Lifespan Human Development
- SWK 243 Human Behavior in Social Environments
- Choose one: 3 cr
- SOC 243 Contemporary Social Issues
- SWK 323 Race and Ethnicity
- SOC/SWK/PSY Elective 3 cr
- SWK 123 Introduction to Social Work 3 cr
- SWK 143 Social Welfare History 3 cr
- SWK 263 Social Welfare Policy and Services 3 cr
Sport Management
Sport Management (18 Credits)
- SPT 100 Introduction to Sport Management 3 cr
- SPT 123 Sport and Society 3 cr
- SPT 200 Sport Facility and Events Management 3 cr
- SPT 310 Marketing and Promotions in the Sport Industry 3 cr
- SPT 340 Sport Law and Risk Management 3 cr
- SPT 430 Sport Coaching Methology
Theology (18 Credits)
- BIB 213 Hermeneutics 3 cr
- THE 243 Theology I 3 cr
- THE 303 Theology II 3 cr
- NWT, OLT, PHL, THE, BIB, LNG Electives (200 or above) 9 cr
Worship Leading
Worship Leading (18 Credits)
- CHM 441 Worship Leading Seminar I .5 cr
- CHM 442 Worship Leading Seminar II .5 cr
- MUS 700’s Ensembles 4 cr
- MTN 125 Intro to Live Music Tech 1 cr
- MUS 142 Fundamentals of Music 3 cr
- Choose One: 4 cr
- MUS 631 Applied Piano
- MUS 661 Applied Guitar
- MUS 651 Applied Voice 2 cr
- THE 313 Biblical Theology of Worship 3 cr
*Audition is required
Youth Studies
Youth Studies (18 Credits)
- PRE 213 Foundations of Biblical Preaching 3 cr
- PSY 333 Pastoral Counseling 3 cr
- SOC 223 Youth Culture 3 cr
- YTH 173 Introduction to Youth Ministry 3 cr
- YTH 313 The Minister of Youth 3 cr
- YTH 413 Youth Ministry Leadership 3 cr