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Community Service Day 2022

This year’s Community Service Day – which took place on April 20th, 2022 – marks the 19th annual CSD event the University of Valley Forge has hosted! Fifteen teams gathered together on the campus quad to worship, pray, and receive instructions about the day. Each team then set off into the community to serve their respective zones and complete various projects around Phoenixville. Some did yard work for residents, others painted, and others helped beautify the local neighborhood parks.

UVF senior Sarah Stanek shared how her team got to do some yard work for an older gentleman in the community who then started opening up to the team members about what God has done in his life and thanking them for the blessing CSD was and how appreciative he was for them. “Our work got to partner with him, and it was so cool to see that relationship being built and I think that’s [most] important!”

The UVF community is so thankful for the opportunity it has to be able to go out into the local community and neighborhoods surrounding the school to help out and serve others the way Jesus served. We are thankful to the Lord for a successful and productive event, to our CSD sponsors for their generosity, and we look forward to next year!

To check out the recap video of the day, click here!

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