In a church adorned with flags, many kneel and pray intently as a man speaks from a low stage, creating a spiritual atmosphere.

Following ‘His Ways’ at UVF

This semester, Student Leaders kicked off the year at the annual Student Leader Retreat by focusing on our third Pillar, His Ways. Together, we were challenged to consider how God created us uniquely to serve the people around us. One morning during the retreat, we got up at dawn and watched the sunrise over a beautiful lake while abiding together in God’s creation.

As I sat at the edge of the lake, visions of how Jesus might choose to use me this year swirled in my mind. If I’m being honest, most of the images were of successful, mountaintop victories where those around me would see God’s hand on campus (through me, of course). I wanted to be used by Him, and I prayed- “Lord have your way- use me however you want”.

Now, looking back on my semester, I can’t help but think about all the ways I failed to measure up to this prayer. Some memories are painful reminders of my weaknesses, while I notice that other moments of success bring a rush of self-satisfaction. It causes me to wonder if I am truly content to be used however the Lord sees fit. Below the surface, I realize I secretly have my own ways planned. Unless the Lord uses me according to those plans I somehow feel let down by God.

When we reach markers like the end of a semester, the end of a year, or the end of a season, as followers of Jesus we must determine whose ways we have been following. We can see what is secretly in our hearts by looking at the things we believe make us successes or failures.

In his book A Long Obedience in the Same Direction, Euguene Peterson describes the posture of a servant being always pointed up looking towards his master. The best servants are those who, through attentive focus, can anticipate their master’s desires without having to be asked. In other words, the best servants measure their success not by how they feel about something they did, but by if they did what their master required of them.

What this challenges us to accept is that the outcome of our obedience is not as important as the obedience itself. In fact, the joy that Jesus talks about in the life of a believer (John 15:10-11) comes not from the outcome of obedience but from knowing Jesus better because of obedience. Following and obeying the ways of Jesus always results in a deeper knowledge of Jesus’ ways and brings us to treasure Jesus more.

As I move into this new year and semester, I feel myself asking these questions. And perhaps these are questions for all of us. Would we learn to measure our past differently and take joy in obeying Jesus? Would we abandon our own ways of seeing things and become servants of Jesus? Would we follow and obey?

By Sophie Benco, Assistant Director of Spiritual Formations

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Admissions FAQs

Yes, most colleges and universities accept homeschool transcripts. You’ll need to create a transcript that lists all courses taken, grades earned, and a brief description of each subject. Many colleges may ask for additional documentation to verify the curriculum or learning outcomes. 

A homeschool transcript should include the following:   

  • Student’s name and contact information   
  • A list of courses by grade level (9th-12th)   
  • The grades and credits earned for each course   
  • GPA  

You can use online tools or templates to help structure your transcript.

Transcript Template (Right-click and “Save Link As” to download)

No, colleges understand that homeschool students may follow a non-traditional curriculum. You are not required to use a specific homeschooling program, but the courses should be rigorous and meet the academic standards of the college. 

UVF is test-optional, . It’s best to check each college’s specific testing policy. If you submit them, we will use those test scores for placement into math and English coursesIf you don’t submit test scores, we have placement tests that we designed that you will take instead. 

Homeschool students are encouraged to get involved in extracurricular activities (sports, clubs, volunteering, internships, etc.). For letters of recommendation, you can ask mentors, tutors, employers, or community leaders who are familiar with your work and character. We understand that your experiences may look different from those of traditional students. 

Homeschool students typically don’t have a GPA or class rank based on a standardized grading system. You may be asked to provide your grading scale (e.g., A = 90-100, B = 80-89, etc.) and explain how you evaluate coursework. . 

If your grading was pass/fail, a work sample does help us evaluate the rigor of your coursework. 

Yes, homeschooled students are eligible for the same federal and state financial aid (e.g., FAFSA) as other students. You are also eligible for institutional scholarships. 

You may be asked to provide documentation showing that your homeschooling complies with the laws of your state (e.g., notice of intent to homeschool, records of testing or assessments). We are familiar with most states’ homeschool laws. 

Yes, you can still apply as a homeschooled student if you were homeschooled for any portion of high school. You’ll need to explain the structure of your education and provide transcripts for both your public/private school and homeschool years, if applicable. 

A GED is not required if you have completed your high school education through homeschooling, provided you can submit a detailed transcript and meet the other application requirements. However, if you took the GED, you may submit those scores as part of your application if they are beneficial. 

We value the self-motivation and discipline that often come with homeschoolingOur homeschooled students typically excel in academic curiosity, resilience, and ability to work independently. 

We always encourage students to come for an on-campus visitIt can be a great opportunity to showcase your personality and explain your homeschooling background in person. It’s also a chance to ask questions about the college and demonstrate your interest in the school. 

Homeschooling allows you to tailor your education to your interests and strengths. We appreciate the diversity of perspectives that homeschool students bring, so don’t be afraid to highlight how your education has been non-traditional but still rigorous and meaningful. 

If you’ve taken college-level courses during high school (dual enrollment), make sure to include those credits on your application. You’ll need to request official transcripts from the college(s) where you took courses and submit them to your prospective schools. 

Some scholarships are specifically for homeschool graduates. These may be offered by homeschool associations, local foundations, or certain colleges. It’s a good idea to research scholarships in your area or inquire about opportunities at the colleges you’re applying to.