Students Participate in Impact Training

UVF loves missions. One of our first events of the year was Impact Training where over 60 students were prepped for the numerous short term missions trips with destinations ranging from Philly, to Puerto Rico, to Spain and many more.

The first day was an amazing time of communing with God and each other, focusing our minds on the One we’re representing around the globe. The team members prayed over each other as well as the other teams, and for provision for the ability to go on the trips. The night ended with a series of team-bonding games filled with cheers, games, laughs, and competition. 

Most of day two was spent in our main academic building learning about etiquette in differing cultures, how to lead kids and teen ministry, and how to best share the gospel both abroad and locally. To end off the weekend, each team leader was anointed by one of our missions staff. The leaders then anointed each team member as the whole team prayed over them. It proved to be a very powerful weekend. 

Students, leaders, and staff were all able to take part in this special weekend, each taking away something new. Here’s what some of them have to say! 

“The thing I learned most was the value in prayer and praying for our hearts to be burdened for the lost and prepared as we go to spread the gospel in other parts of the world. Praying as much as we can for missions is so crucial and we need to be in prayer if we want to see transformation occur. I can’t wait to see how God uses each person in my team.” -Owen T. (Puerto RIco) 

“This weekend, I gained a better perspective on missions as a whole, our work, and the people we’re reaching, so now I’m even more excited and ready to serve! I feel like our team was able to bond and get closer this weekend. Getting to pray over each team member in the ending anointing ceremony after spending the weekend together was really special, and I’m excited to see how God uses all of us!” -Lakelyn W. (Romania) 

“During the first session of Impact Training, Dr. Keinath preached a message about having a heart like Jesus- that we will see what we’ve never seen before, pray like we’ve never prayed before, and go where we’ve never gone before. Everything that we do is for His Kingdom and His purpose. Everyone who is going on these mission trips has been called there for a specific purpose. I am excited to get to be the hands and feet of Jesus, and I am looking forward to continuing to grow together as a team.” – Sam T. (Romania) 

This weekend was an amazing time of fellowship and seeking God’s presence together. We are looking forward to each trip expectantly and cannot wait to see how God uses each team! 

If you feel led to give and support UVF students in their part of the Great Commission, click here to give! Even if not monetary donations, prayer is always much needed and appreciated. Click here to learn more. 

UVF Group at NCAA Convention

2025 NCAA Convention

The 2025 NCAA Convention took place from January 14th through January 17th in Nashville, Tennesse.

Four students from Right College sit on a low wall outdoors, smiling and laughing with a laptop. A building adds to the relaxed vibe.

Finding the Right College for You

Here at the University of Valley Forge (UVF), we are committed to helping every student

People gathered in prayer during church service.

Following ‘His Ways’ at UVF

This semester, Student Leaders kicked off the year at the annual Student Leader Retreat by