Summer 2021 Mission Trips Recap

Missions is a central part of the UVF community. This summer, we were excited to send out teams across the U.S. to partner with churches and organizations for missions work. These three short-term missions trips were able to go out to Las Vegas, Nevada; Savannah, Georgia; and Sandusky, Ohio.

UVF’s first team to Las Vegas, Nevada, went to be a light and spread the gospel in unique ways. Due to the sensitive nature of the work the team was doing, they weren’t able to share much. “The trip was really eye-opening. Each member of the group was affected in a different way and the experiences were nothing like we could have expected,” shared UVF junior Isaac Gale. “Working alongside four separate missionaries, we partnered with FREE International, who works to end human trafficking in the U.S. Each day that we were there, we got to serve in a different capacity. In the mornings there was an education element where we got to learn about the different aspects of human trafficking. In the evenings, we would serve and get a taste of what some of the missionaries did on a daily basis. The trip really broke me down and God is still building me back up.”

The second team of the summer was Team Georgia. They served with missionaries Jonathan and Sharon Brown of LifeBridge Inner City Ministry and helped to organize the church’s storage unit, lead an outdoor service, lead worship at a church, participate in street ministry, and feed the homeless. Team member Grace Townsend shared enthusiastically, “The purpose [of the trip] was to spread the gospel and allow the Lord to use us in everything we did… We saw a woman come to know the Lord as her Savior, and that made the entire trip worth it. This team reminded me what it means to work together for the glory of the Lord. The Spirit of God was with us during this trip, and guided every step. There were several curveballs that should have gotten us sidetracked, but by the power of God we were able to press on and serve. This team was organized by God and I feel blessed to have spent the week with them.”

The last missions trip of the summer was to Sandusky, Ohio! This team partnered with Ohio Kids Ministry to put on their Missions Extreme Camp for youth and children who are interested in missions. These young students were able to put their callings into practice by serving their community through the camp. Team co-leader Faith Parisot shared her experience, “This trip was incredible! We not only had the opportunity to take part in the mission of Christ, but also to equip and come alongside the next generation as they learn what it means to live on mission. We got to help these youth experience what it is like to deny themselves and humbly help those in need by serving a local church, a pregnancy center, a food distribution center, and an elementary school, as well as taking part in children’s outreaches. It was an honor to teach, equip, and serve with these awesome students!”

UVF Group at NCAA Convention

2025 NCAA Convention

The 2025 NCAA Convention took place from January 14th through January 17th in Nashville, Tennesse.

Four students from Right College sit on a low wall outdoors, smiling and laughing with a laptop. A building adds to the relaxed vibe.

Finding the Right College for You

Here at the University of Valley Forge (UVF), we are committed to helping every student

People gathered in prayer during church service.

Following ‘His Ways’ at UVF

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